Friday, June 29, 2012

Midnight Movie #1: ALVH

A week ago Brie, Zach and I rallied and went to see the midnight premiere of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. This is the first of the movies that Brie has worked on that I have wanted to go see (sorry Zac Efron in The Lucky just did not appeal to me) and we were pretty excited about seeing Ben Walker portray America's favorite President.

Overall I did not hate the movie, but I felt that there was entirely too much CGI that could have been avoided. It was a little over the top at times which took me out of the story line because I was constantly thinking "that is too crazy to be belivable!". The special effects make-up used to make one 30 year old man (Walker) look like a 54 year old different man (Lincoln) was awesome! So while the visual effects were a little chaunchy, I enjoyed the premise of vampires being the force behind slavery--they needed a steady supply of fresh blood according to the story's twist on history. Therefore elimanting vampires and slavery went hand-in-hand for Abe. But by far the coolest part of the whole movie was seeing "assistant to Mr. Walker...Brie M. Puneky"

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