Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Do Exist

Sorry for the lag in posts. My life has been busy/very boring recently! Here is what you missed:

Last weekend I got to Skype with my mom, aunt, and cousin while they were away on their "Girl's Weekend". To avoid too much cleavage from being broadcast I grabbed a scarf and sported it for our conversation!

I had some new folks start working this week as seasonal employees so there has been a lot of training and explaining going on!

I have been trying to clean/straighten/make the house presentable for my mom who is coming to town this week! She may have to put blinders on and ignore the chaos!

I watched not one but two Ryan Gosling movies this week. First was Blue Valentine (liked it, made me sad), and Crazy, Stupid Love (funny, love Emma Stone). I certainly enjoy Ryan Gosling for not only the ease he puts on my eyes, but also for his acting abilities. However, I have noticed that there is something about his looks that reminds me of my boss and that my friends has put a sour taste in my mouth about Mr. Gosling.

I tried two new restaurants in the same day with AV and Brie. Coulis for brunch and Midway Pizza for dinner.

The Saints beat the Atlanta Falcons in overtime!!! BIG win against our #1 rivals! A school that I pass in the mornings on my commute hangs a banner up each week depicting the team we are scheduled to play. This was the one for those Dirty Bird Falcons!!

So that is my life in short. Now off to start a short week at work then fun time with mi madre this weekend :)

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