Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Krewe du Vieux

This past Saturday I went to my first ever Mardi Gras parade! Krewe du Vieux (pronouced crew du vew) is the only parade to my knowledge that goes through the French Quarter. It is all man and mule powered--no vehicles pulling the floats--and definitely NOT a kid-friendly event! This year's theme was "25 Years Wasted" (the krewe began in 1986...hey, me too; must have been a good year!) There were a lot of Louisiana-based jokes, as well as jabs at BP, TSA, and other current events. Scattered between the floats and folks in the parade were marching bands.

I'd say it was a decent crowd out! Ha!
Half of the time I couldn't even tell what I was taking a picture of. I was just aiming my phone and clicking... stinks to be short!

The guy in front of me had this classy shirt on:

This was the TSA float; basically playing off of the issue of overly intrusive body searches/scans!

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