Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This past Friday Brie and I said "so long" to NOLA and headed to Austin, Texas for a girl's weekend! We both felt like we needed a little break from the guys we hang out with all the time and neither of us have been to Austin before, so this was our opportunity. What was suppose to be about a nine hour drive turned into twelve due to stopping for lunch, getting stuck in Houston rush hour, pee breaks, and the traffic in Austin. But we made it!

Friday night we met up at the new Lucy's location (that is the restaurant that Brie works at in between movie gigs) with her friend Steel, who I have met before, and a guy named Pony--of course that isn't his legal name, but a nickname from the movie The Outsiders... any way... we wandered around a few bars with them and had a fun time taking in the nightlife. A lot of places there have outdoor balconies and large open window areas; it was very nice.

Saturday we headed downtown to see what we could see. AV had written down a list of places for us to check out before we left NOLA (he went to the University of Texas in Austin) so we tried to cross off as many as possible. We stopped by a farmers' market, strolled along 6th street, walked to the Capitol building, and took a ton of pictures! His list also included going to the HUGE Whole Foods since Austin is where that company started. It was overwhelming; so many specialty areas--definitely cool! And we found a bar/restaurant with a big Saints helmet on the roof!
Enjoying a treat in Whole Foods
I think the helmet was made from an old VW
After taking in as much as we could, we headed back home on Sunday. We stopped in Cypress, outside of Houston, and had lunch with Brie's cousin Adrienne and her boyfriend Taylor. Back in the fall they had visited New Orleans and we had all hung out, so it was fun to see them again. The weather was nice all weekend until we got right outside of Baton Rouge then we were in rain the rest of the way. It was a whirl-wind of a trip, but so much fun! Now it is back to the grind of every day life :)

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