Sunday, February 13, 2011

AV the Marathon Champ

This morning AV ran his first ever marathon. The Rock 'n' Roll Mardi Gras Marathon was a 26.2 mile run around the city. Tons of streets were blocked off and closed for the runners as well as stages with live music throughout the course. The weather was gorgeous today; blue skies, mid-60's and not a cloud in sight!

Here is a picture of the course map.
He has been training/running for two years now, but this is the most he has run in one stretch. Brie, Andrew, Gabe and I thought we were going to be able to see him run through City Park, however, he was faster than anticipated and by the time we got there he had already finished! So, while we didn't get the chance to cheer him on from the sidelines, we all went out for brunch afterwards to celebrate!

We did not realize that we had missed him at first, so I took a picture of random runners while we waited!

AV, post race: sore, exhausted, and begging for a Bloody Mary!

The little orange loop thing on his shoe had some sort of tracking device in it so that an accurate time was recorded. He finished in 3:14:48! That averages about 7:40 per mile. He looked it up online and found out he was the 136th person to finish out of over 3,500 participants! Go AV!!

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