Monday, December 6, 2010

Sucre's Little Elves

Whew! We are in full swing at Sucre now! Mondays are the worst because we have not shipped anything out since the previous Thursday, therefore we have four days worth of orders to process! There are lots of holiday workers assisting in the chaos, but none-the-less it is still crazy in the shipping & packaging department. A lot of folks and businesses seem to be purchasing edible delites for numerous people; so there can be one person making ten separate orders.

But, hey, I try to look at it as job security ;)

This is our "Mint to Be" Collection. It includes Holiday Macaroons, Peppermint Chocolate Bark, Peppermint Cocoa, and Marshmallows. Very popular.

Large boxes of the Holiday Macaroons get special packaging! The brown is Double Dark Chocolate & red is Peppermint Candy Cane.

One of the many chocolate collections. Yum :)

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