Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Honey, I'm Home!

Yesterday I woke up, packed my suitcase and left a lovely 70 degree New Orleans on a big ol' plane headed for Charlotte, North Carolina. By the time I boarded another plane for Charlottesville, Virginia it was dark outside (I have never flown at night). I had a window seat and thank goodness; it was beautiful to look out over Charlotte and see all of the street lights and to make things even more picturesque, it was a full moon! Gorgeous! When we landed the pilot informed us of the current weather: 36 degrees. Yuck. Mom, Dad, and Bryan were all there to greet me and we were off to Cracker Barrel for some "home cooked" food! There is snow on the ground here and it is definitely chilly, but it is nice to be home for the holidays :) Now, to wrap presents and visit everybody!!

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