Friday, December 31, 2010

The Girls

While in VA I was able to participate in the daily chore of taking care of the chickens, a.k.a. "the girls". Every afternoon we would go feed them their scratch, crumble & corn, refill the water, and collect eggs.

Some of the ladies eating their dinner.

An afternoon collection.
The eggs all cleaned up and ready for the carton.
It varied each day as to how many eggs we would gather, but it hovers around 40-45. I went with mom to sell them at the Healthy Foods store as well as to another lady who does a lot of baking. Chicken rearing definitely takes effort, but it is fun at the same time :)


  1. I like 'the girls' and glad you enjoyed them too.

  2. Oooh! I want to meet the girls! Do you think they'll let me pet them?? You know how I am haha

