Friday, November 19, 2010

Words For Thought...

There are very few things in this world that you can rely on Nick to do consistently. He always goes to his Judo class every Tuesday & Thursday night religiously, he always asks how your day was at work when he sees you (and actually listens to your response!) and he always watches the PBS Newshour on Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m.

Basically the show is a few older smart folks sitting around debating current economic and political topics. Sometimes I will sit and watch it with him (it can be funny to see him get fired up about their discussions). Tonight there was a gentleman named Mark Shields talking about tax increases and he made a comment that made Nick chuckle and made me think. To paraphrase, Mr. Shields said "It's the old line about everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." How true is that? In the context of taxes I believe he means that everybody wants the benefits that come from the government increasing taxes, but no one wants to pay more!

I am not sure why, but this has stuck with me this evening and made me think about how many times in life we want a result but are not willing to go through the process to make it happen. So, there is something to think about! Oh, and TGIF :)

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