Monday, November 1, 2010

How It Is

--The Saints finally showed up to their own game and beat the Steelers last night! Personally I think their victory could be attributed to their decision to wear their black uniforms. Sexy.

--The Giants won the World Series!!! Tim Lincecum got to pitch eight innings allowing only one run! Great game!

--After dedicating the month of October to an intense Dexter marathon, I have finally caught up and can now wait with anticipation for Sunday nights to roll around. Michael C. Hall is one hot serial killer!

--I am eargly awaiting the arrival of one Ms. Whitney L. Marker on Saturday! While I will be missing my traditional girl's weekend in Williamsburg with mom, Nita & Judy, I will be having my own girl's weekend in the Big Easy :)

--As the shopping trip tradition has ended for me, so has the see-the-newest-Saw-movie-on-Halloween tradition. For the past six years I have gone to see the latest Saw installment on Halloween, but this year I didn't make it out. They say it is the "final" Saw, but the fact that it was in 3-D detered me. Perhaps I will catch it some day.

--Still reporting to Sucre Monday-Friday. Getting the hang of things I reckon.

--And that folks is what I know :)

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