Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Project with a Price

Before leaving for New Orleans I knew that I needed to acquire a dresser of some sort for my clothes. I ended up getting two matching three-drawer units from the Habitat for Humanity store that I thought could look rather nice with a little TLC. So I used my dad’s power sander and roughed up the red and cream colored paint. Time ran out before leaving Virginia, so I figured I would paint them after getting to Louisiana. (The previous post concerning an accent miscommunication at Lowe’s was when I bought the paint for my project.)

Despite the nearly daily rumbles of thunder and threats of rain I decided to chance it and paint this past Monday. I worked on the drawers first converting them from an off-white cream shade to a cheerier October Bronze. While they dried, I moved on to the larger chests and covered the dark red a previous owner chose with a burnt orange Apple Spice that I preferred. During the process of transforming my new furniture I would like to add that I was without shoes, a decision I did not think much of until it ultimately cost me a functioning toe. The patio I was painting on is constructed of multiple square cement slabs that, like the streets in this town, have warped and moved with the swampy ground, therefore resembling the aftermath of a small earthquake. Being clumsy and not paying attention I inevitably stumped my toe on one of the elevated slabs. The pain was sharp and big as I immediately grabbed my foot and voiced a few choice words. At first I thought I had only scuffed my toenail but as the day went on my once beige colored skin began to turn a dark grayish purple that extended throughout my toe and onto my foot.

Luckily I have one prepared roommate (Nick) who had athletic tape and one experienced roommate (Brie) who used to dance and knows a thing or two about damaged feet that were able to wrap my toe to its neighbor. The pain has gotten better but the array of colors my skin has turned has been a natural masterpiece!

My "new" chest of drawers!

1 comment:

  1. The chest look very pretty. So sorry it cost you a broken toe to get the job done.
