Sunday, July 18, 2010

Accent Barrier

I have been warned by a few folks that the local accent in New Orleans can be difficult to understand at first. It is referred to as a “yat” accent and up until the other day I had not encountered any issues. (Understanding one of my New York roommates on the other hand has been a little trying. He probably thinks I am deaf due to my constant “whats?” and “huhs?” when he talks.)

With the help of Samantha I made it to Lowe’s to get paint for a little project I am working on when the communication dilemma occurred. I handed the gentleman working the counter the color sample and we discussed that I needed a quart of satin finish paint. As he turns to go begin mixing the paint he stops and says what I thought was “exact?”. *Awkward pause* Ummm yeah, I want a quart of satin finish paint in Apple Spice EXACTLY. The confusion I was experiencing in my head must have shown through on my face because he repeated again “exact?”. *Another awkward pause* Sorry, still not quite getting it. He stepped back towards me and said slower “satin?” Ohhhh! Yes, satin finish is correct!

Unfortunately I am sure this will not be my only communication mishap as I adjust to the local accent!

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