Friday, July 23, 2010

Cinematic Adventures

During my first week in town I have ventured out on two occasions for cinematic adventures. First to see Grown Ups (love Adam Sandler!) and then to see Inception (love Leonardo DiCaprio!). Both outings were super exciting for different reasons. When we arrived at the 20 screen Elmwood Theater to see Grown Ups I was pleasantly surprised by the price of my movie ticket. In Roanoke it is impossible to pay less than $7.00 for a ticket (and that is at the Grandin during matinee showings). So needless-to-say I was shocked by the $5.00 price tag for two hours of comedic performances by well known Hollywood actors! Apparently any movie playing Monday-Thursday at any time will only set you back one paper Lincoln (unless it is a holiday or the opening day of a movie: i.e. Eclipse opened on a Wednesday so it would have been regular price that day.) Awesome!!

My second trip to the cinema was slightly harder on the wallet but was a new experience. It was an IMAX experience to be exact! I accompanied Brie, her brother and a few of his friends to see Inception on the huge IMAX screen! (72 x 52 feet huge!) Great movie to view in this format; lots of action and special effects!!

For my next motion picture I want to scope out the Prytania Theatre that is located just a few blocks from my house. I get the impression it is like the Grandin and has very few screens.

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