Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moving is Exhausting

When I began the process of going through my things in Roanoke I was amazed at how much stuff I had accumulated over my 25 months there. A quick spree through Valley View, an afternoon stroll around an antique mall, holidays, two birthdays, a small obsession with used DVDs and my mom making sure I never left Lexington empty-handed all added up! It took us four days, numerous Goodwill runs, a box of trash can bags, multiple trips up and down I-81 and a morale booster from Maggie Moo’s to get the job done—and dare I mention that this was all done while temperatures hovered in the upper 90’s!!

Now everything that was not trashed, recycled or donated is strewn around my parent’s house taking up nearly every inch of vacant space. And while I know this irritates my dad to no-end, I bet he smiles to himself when he realizes that in less than a week it will all be over 900 miles away!

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