Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Don't Call the Plumber!

I am so stinkin' handy! I tell ya... with YouTube anything is possible! Post flush the other night I noticed a hissing sound coming from the back of the toilet. After a few test flushes to see if the problem would remedy itself I contemplated my options. It was too late to call dad lest I wake him and a text to my brother went without response, so I turned to the trusty world wide web for assistance. A quick "toilet making hissing sound" search landed me on a YouTube page where a gentleman demonstrated step-by-step how to check in the little filter thing for debris that may be causing air to enter and thus create a hissing sound. 

After watching the 2 minute video I felt prepared to conquer this man-made amenity. I turned the water off to the toilet, let it drain about half way out of the tank then reached my hand in to twist the filter loose and pop the top off. Sure enough, inside was a piece of black gasket floating around. I removed the culprit before re-assembled everything, turned the water back on, flushed and voila! No more hissing! I am unsure of the importance in replacing the dry rotted gasket, but so far everything has been smooth flushing since the procedure was completed. 

 Who needs a man? Am I right? Haha!

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