Monday, August 31, 2015

Coming Up List

Fall is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited!! It is without a doubt my favorite season even if for the last couple of years I have been experiencing the hot New Orleans version. With fall comes lots of fun things and I love a good list; so without further adieu...

  • September 7: Labor Day (3 day weekend)
  • September 13: Saints regular season begins!
  • September 23: First official day of fall :)
  • October 11: The Walking Dead season 6 premiere 
  • October 22 & 23: Hanson concert (2 night event) at the House of Blues...yes, that Hanson!
  • October 31: Halloween
  • November 6-8: Girl's Weekend with mom, Judy & Nita!
  • Date TBD: begin re-watching Twin Peaks because it feels like a cooler weather kind of show

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