Friday, September 19, 2014

Twin Peaks

A co-worker insisted that I binge watch Twin Peaks last weekend--and what can I say, I am easily talked into wasting hours of time and becoming obsessed with television shows! I was waayyyyy too young to watch this when it originally aired in 1990, but I am digging it now, 24 years later! 

I finished the first season (8 episodes) pretty quickly, but I still don't know who killed Laura Palmer, so I am diving into season two (22 episodes) right now. I can tell a difference in the writing based on David Lynch's involvement more in the beginning of the series, it seems a little less sharp and on point in its last season. The supernatural aspects have increased as I have made my way through the story as well as scenes of a peculiar nature. The acting is intentionally satirical and reminds me of Fargo while the soundtrack is reminiscent of a sappy soap opera! The trailer above gives a good sampling of the slow piano tunes. 

I'm liking it. When I finish out the show on Netflix I am going to look into watching the prequel movie that was made! 

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