Monday, September 29, 2014

Games: Not Just for Kids

Since Brie has moved back to NOLA we have been gathering with amigos for game nights more frequently. A lot of Cranium and now Scattergories when we are staying in the for the evening, and a lot of Heads Up when we are out. Heads Up is a game on our phones where a player selects a category (could be Blockbusters, brand names, Perfect Pairs, animals, etc.) then puts the phone to their head, screen out so the group can see it. The group then gives hints to the player trying to get them to guess the word/name/phrase on the screen. So for example, if the player selected animals and the answer is "cat", the group could say things like "feline", "meow", etc. to get them to guess correctly. You try to get as many correct as you can before your minute is up! We all have our strengths and it is fun to set a goal to try to achieve. For instance, AV and Sara are really good at giving hints about and guessing songs so AV set a goal of seven (that may seem low, but it is harder than you'd think!) so they played round after round until he got seven correct answers in under a minute! Thank goodness Sara can sing and knows a lot of obscure songs! My contribution to helping him meet his goal was more context clues, such as "British group" or "won American Idol" while Sara sang the actual song. Haha! It is a lot of fun :)

Here is Jane Lynch playing with Ellen:

So in looking up YouTube videos of Heads Up I discovered that we are way behind on this trend! The app has been out for over a year and Ellen created it! She plays with guests on her show! Well how about that!

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