Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Today I...

  • Ate a piece of yellow watermelon. I did not even know that was a thing until we cut into the round green ball and instead of the sweet reddish pink flesh, it was YELLOW! Tastes just like the normal kind.
  • Learned that crisco is the best way to make fake ice cream for photos and white glue looks like milk.
  • Ironed a cloth napkin with the bottom of a heavy, hot pot. Suggestion from Sara when I came into the kitchen asking if anyone had an iron or hair straightener!
  • Was advised to super glue my boo boo on my finger shut by my dad, the man whose hands have suffered and uncountable number of burns and lacerations over the years. 
  • Smelt root beer and sparklers. Both taking me back to my childhood. 
  • Found out that they are releasing 250 new emojis next month! 

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