Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saturday Summer Solstice

Yesterday marked the summer solstice, so what did I do with those extra moments of daylight? Nothing spectacular really. I slept in to an acceptably late hour before showering and facing the day. Just as I was contemplating what I was going to have for lunch (breakfast hour had long passed by now) I received an invite to go to District for sliders. One should never pass up an opportunity to enjoy their sliders, so I quickly put myself together and headed out. Zack and I timed things just right so that he was able to get the last of the softshell crab sliders along with the fresh onto the menu alligator creation! We sat and chatted for a while after devouring our lunch. The porkbelly is where it is at! Yum!

Post slider feast I joined Zack on a hat shopping adventure. I was probably not the best person to tag along seeing as I am not fond of hats and did not have many complimentary things to say about them as he proceeded to try on over a dozen different varieties. Alas he settled on two new additions to his collection before we parted ways. I continued to wander the Magazine Street area and found myself in a small antique shop purchasing a necklace and small purse. The heat was getting to be too much so I headed to the air conditioning of the house before promptly finding myself bored again and needing to get out.

I settled on walking to the Prytania Theater to see the newly released Jersey Boys. I was most certainly in the minority as far as average age of viewers went. 90% of the seats were filled with 60+ year olds. Whatever. I enjoy 1960's jukebox music too. The movie was fine. It felt a little long at times but when they sang it was beautiful! I bet a live version (Broadway) would be great!

While I was at the movies a little thunderstorm made its way over Uptown making my jaunt back to the house a wet, slip-and-slide trek!

I rounded out my evening by eating leftovers from the catering event I worked the other night while watching Sunlight Jr. on demand. I am working my way through all of Norman Reedus's films but this one is not going to be at the top of my list to rewatch.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Between a Facebook post advertising a sale, the lure of free ground shipping, being a self-proclaimed chocoholic, a healthy interest in seeing how other companies ship delicates in the summer, and plain ol' curiosity about their offerings I found myself making a purchase on Vosges's website last week. 

Pretty little chocolates from their "exotic" collection arrived safely and unmelted at my door step a few days later. They have been a nice little treat of fun flavors like Indian curry, macadamia nut with coconut, and banana pudding. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I See A Full Moon Rising

Last Friday = the 13th + a full moon!
I happened to be in the Quarter when I snapped this stop sign wisdom with the moon high in the sky overhead.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Today I...

  • Ate a piece of yellow watermelon. I did not even know that was a thing until we cut into the round green ball and instead of the sweet reddish pink flesh, it was YELLOW! Tastes just like the normal kind.
  • Learned that crisco is the best way to make fake ice cream for photos and white glue looks like milk.
  • Ironed a cloth napkin with the bottom of a heavy, hot pot. Suggestion from Sara when I came into the kitchen asking if anyone had an iron or hair straightener!
  • Was advised to super glue my boo boo on my finger shut by my dad, the man whose hands have suffered and uncountable number of burns and lacerations over the years. 
  • Smelt root beer and sparklers. Both taking me back to my childhood. 
  • Found out that they are releasing 250 new emojis next month! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Put the Devil in the Eggs

The domestic goddess in me came out the other evening and I decided to whip up some deviled eggs. Goodness knows the last time I made them! I even brought out my "granny" fork to smash the yolks like my mom does :)

When I was contemplating what to put on top of these yummy little finger treats to spice them up, I thought "what goes well with eggs?" Bacon! Bacon goes well with eggs! So I fried a few slices, chopped them up and garnished the little devils with piggy and a sprinkling of fresh chives. Delicious!

Friday, June 13, 2014

One Headlight

After following Sara to her house the other night she kindly informed me that my passenger side headlight was no longer performing its job of producing light. I had Zack confirm that everything else was in working order and noted that I needed to get the burnt out bulb replaced ASAP. A little Google research and a trip to Advance Auto over town the next morning resulted in the procurement of one standard headlight bulb... not one of those fancy schmancy blue halogen bulbs that blind other drivers, just a normal yellow one for me. Instead of standing in the parking lot of the auto store I decided to attempt replacing the bulb myself in the semi-privacy of my own street outside my house. So I drove home, pulled into the shade, popped the hood and got to work removing the bad bulb. I was in the middle of figuring out how to get the piece to release from the wires when a lady, probably around my age, walked by and genuinely asked "do you need a car?" I looked up at her and was instantly confused by the question but simply replied "no" and continued on with my business. I suppose the sight of a young(ish) woman in a dress standing in front of a vehicle on the side of the street with the hood popped open would signal distress to some people. To my knowledge I did not appear panicked or as if I didn't have the situation under control. A burnt out headlight does not warrant the need to abandon an otherwise perfectly functioning automobile in my opinion. The girl kept walking after I turned down her offer of a vehicle. My car is now back in a safe, legal operating mode. Southern hospitality? Perhaps.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Boiling Time

Zack & Andy were so kind as to host a late-in-the-season crawfish boil last weekend. It was HOT outside, but between the shade and chilled beverages everyone was able to stick it out for the love of mudbugs! It is amazing how the heat can zap your energy though! 

Homemade (by me) Watermelon Mint & Raspberry Lemon popsicles | The glorious spread
 The three best friends looking fresh in our "hot-as-hell-outside" outfits!
Yeah, that happened... He is so goofy :)
90+ pounds of crawfish later my thumbs are tore up from peeling and peeling but it was oh so worth it!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In the Name of Beauty

As I flitted around in front of the mirror the other morning applying makeup and trying on various outfits I got to thinking about all of the things people do to alter/improve their appearance. I began creating a mental list of the procedures I have done, the products I use and the social norms I abide by. Most people at least maintain the basics: brush their teeth, bathe regularly, comb their hair, wear clothing etc. However, and I do NOT consider myself to be a "high maintenance" lady, the following is the list of things I do, pay for, apply, or remove in the name of "beauty":

I pay for the following:
Hair cuts
Eyebrow wax

I apply the following:
Eye shadow
Eye liner
Lip gloss
Hair dye
Acne cleanser
Makeup remover
Perfume (occasionally)

I remove the following:
Hair from legs
Hair from arm pits
Pluck eyebrows

I do the following:
Brush teeth (with whitening toothpaste)
Shower daily
Wash hair
Condition hair
Brush hair
Buff heels
Wear "shape shifters" under certain clothing (that is the name I gave Spanx and the likes that smooth things out/suck things in)
Wear high heels (to appear taller/leaner)
Accessorize with jewelry (presumably to make myself look appealing to others)

In addition to those things listed, I have worn braces, undergone lasik surgery, and pierced my ears and nose (I am aware that the nose thing is controversial and may not be considered positive by some but rather a negative addition). I purchase clothing based on what accentuates the desirables and camouflages the flaws and do my best to wear fashionable ensembles. 

Again, I am not high maintenance compared to some folks but I am sure I do more than others. I just thought it interesting to reflect on the rituals I do in an effort to present the best version of myself to the world according to my own ideas of beauty as well as popular culture. 

I find Schmidt from New Girl to be hilarious, but according to him I am doing it wrong: