Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter? Christmas?

It doesn't feel like winter and it doesn't feel like Christmas. I am not not in a festive mood, but I am not really feeling the holiday spirit either. Not one little bit. I didn't put a tree up or decorate any. I didn't bake any cookies or send any Christmas cards. The extent of my participation this season has been watching Christmas Vacation on Netflix and wearing my peppermint ring to work twice last week. Ha! Speaking of has kicked my ass repeatedly this past week and it isn't over yet.
I spent today trying to get some shopping done along with chores and errands. In an attempt to force some cheer upon myself I thought I would drive down St. Charles a piece to admire the Christmas lights on my way home. In the past there has been a house with huge trees in the yard that have their branches and trunks wrapped entirely in white lights. I recall it being a very extraordinary site and was looking forward to getting a glimpse this evening. Of course it was my luck that the beauty I remember was not on display. Sigh. I did enjoy the other houses that were lit up though.
I cannot wait to be home and relax with family and friends. I hope that my toughest decision to make while in Virginia is which pet to love on more! My goal is to make every effort to welcome 2014 recharged and refocused because God knows I barely know my own name right now.

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