Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Flat Tire

I'm not sure what it is with my front driver's side tire going flat (it has happened once before) but it is obnoxious! My tire pressure light came on when I was leaving work the other day so I hopped out and did a quick glance at all four tires. I didn't see anything suspicious so I assumed that it was the cold weather change setting the gauge off--as it has done in the past. The next morning when I walked out of the house I was greeted by a FLAT tire.
A co-worker has AAA that she generously called for me and within ten minutes of showing up the flat was off and the spare was installed. We couldn't find anything stuck in the tire so I am unsure what caused this nonsense. I can't imagine the immaculately smooth, flat streets of New Orleans had anything to do with this...

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