Sunday, December 1, 2013


How does that old saying go? "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with". Well, I am going to apply that to my Thanksgiving regarding family and friends. Of course I would have preferred to be with family in Virginia, however, that was not in the cards for me this year so I spent my day with friends and their family!
Mom sent me this picture of the gang at the cabin :)

Along with the fact that I was not with family for the holiday, I woke up Thursday morning feeling like crud. I knew it was coming, but none-the-less, no one likes being sick. My self diagnosis is a sinus infection so I have been treating it with nasal spray, hot tea, steamy showers, and a surplus of vitamins.
Despite my ENT issues, I headed over to Sara's house early to help out in any way that I could with getting dinner prepared. Zack, as well as the rest of Sara's family showed up in the early afternoon. It was my first time meeting most of the Akey clan and all I do is smile reflecting on the humorous bunch! They were a hoot!
My honey, bourbon apple pie... it was an adventure to make but turned out decent. If I try this one again I think I will tweak a few measurements.
It was very nice of Sara to open up her home to Zack and me on this family-centric holiday and include us in their shenanigans! I am thankful for friends that feel like family when blood family isn't close by!

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