Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter? Christmas?

It doesn't feel like winter and it doesn't feel like Christmas. I am not not in a festive mood, but I am not really feeling the holiday spirit either. Not one little bit. I didn't put a tree up or decorate any. I didn't bake any cookies or send any Christmas cards. The extent of my participation this season has been watching Christmas Vacation on Netflix and wearing my peppermint ring to work twice last week. Ha! Speaking of has kicked my ass repeatedly this past week and it isn't over yet.
I spent today trying to get some shopping done along with chores and errands. In an attempt to force some cheer upon myself I thought I would drive down St. Charles a piece to admire the Christmas lights on my way home. In the past there has been a house with huge trees in the yard that have their branches and trunks wrapped entirely in white lights. I recall it being a very extraordinary site and was looking forward to getting a glimpse this evening. Of course it was my luck that the beauty I remember was not on display. Sigh. I did enjoy the other houses that were lit up though.
I cannot wait to be home and relax with family and friends. I hope that my toughest decision to make while in Virginia is which pet to love on more! My goal is to make every effort to welcome 2014 recharged and refocused because God knows I barely know my own name right now.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dreary Weekend

This past weekend was kind of a dreary, dull one unfortunately. The weather was overcast, rainy, foggy, and temperatures teetered annoyingly between warm and cold. Disregarding the nastiness outside, I managed to have a nice, albeit, low key couple of days.
Friday night Sara, Zack and I dined on some yummy Ancora pizza before making our way to Cure for some spirits and socializing. 'Twas a lovely time as always.
Sazerac at Cure | Brisket tacos from Taceaux Loceaux | The latest McMain banner for the Saints v. Panthers game
Saturday was spent being lazy! I didn't manage to pull myself out of bed until an appalling 2:00pm then chose to lie around reading for the next few hours. Later than evening Brie, Andrew and I made a grocery store trip to grab brownie-making ingredients then went to Brie's place to bake. After AV had finished up his last shift at Daisy we met up at his house so that he could continue packing while we were able spend some time with our world-traveler. In between his last minute packing efforts we ventured out to Taceaux Loceaux for some good ol' fashioned taco truck yumminess!
The next morning I drove the fearless adventurer to the airport before heading to work to get some things done. That night the Saints played the Panthers, both of whom were tied 9-3 for the season. Luckily for New Orleanians the Saints pulled ahead and now have a 10-3 record!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club

On Saturday Zack and I went to see Dallas Buyers Club. This shoe-in Oscar nominee was filmed here in New Orleans and received a lot of press due to Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto's gauntly appearances. Their commitment to their rolls surely cannot be questioned. It was funny to recognize the inside of F&M's in one scene!

While I liked the film and don't really have any negative criticism to give, Zack and I both left the theater with nothing much to say about it. It was a solid movie, fine performances all the way around (I feel like Jared Leto may get a Best Supporting Actor nod) and had the added touch of being based on a true story, but I can't help but compare it to 2008's Milk, even though they are movies about entirely different things.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like... Summer?

The weather in New Orleans can be such a roller coaster! The week of Thanksgiving it was socks-at-night, heater-on temperatures and now this week has been flip-flops and AC weather! It hit 80 here today?! How am I supposed to be in the holiday spirit when it feels like beach time outside? I looked at the miniature Christmas trees at Whole Foods this evening but I couldn't bring myself to buy one, it doesn't feel right quite yet. I'm really hoping the chill returns soon!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Flat Tire

I'm not sure what it is with my front driver's side tire going flat (it has happened once before) but it is obnoxious! My tire pressure light came on when I was leaving work the other day so I hopped out and did a quick glance at all four tires. I didn't see anything suspicious so I assumed that it was the cold weather change setting the gauge off--as it has done in the past. The next morning when I walked out of the house I was greeted by a FLAT tire.
A co-worker has AAA that she generously called for me and within ten minutes of showing up the flat was off and the spare was installed. We couldn't find anything stuck in the tire so I am unsure what caused this nonsense. I can't imagine the immaculately smooth, flat streets of New Orleans had anything to do with this...

Sunday, December 1, 2013


How does that old saying go? "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with". Well, I am going to apply that to my Thanksgiving regarding family and friends. Of course I would have preferred to be with family in Virginia, however, that was not in the cards for me this year so I spent my day with friends and their family!
Mom sent me this picture of the gang at the cabin :)

Along with the fact that I was not with family for the holiday, I woke up Thursday morning feeling like crud. I knew it was coming, but none-the-less, no one likes being sick. My self diagnosis is a sinus infection so I have been treating it with nasal spray, hot tea, steamy showers, and a surplus of vitamins.
Despite my ENT issues, I headed over to Sara's house early to help out in any way that I could with getting dinner prepared. Zack, as well as the rest of Sara's family showed up in the early afternoon. It was my first time meeting most of the Akey clan and all I do is smile reflecting on the humorous bunch! They were a hoot!
My honey, bourbon apple pie... it was an adventure to make but turned out decent. If I try this one again I think I will tweak a few measurements.
It was very nice of Sara to open up her home to Zack and me on this family-centric holiday and include us in their shenanigans! I am thankful for friends that feel like family when blood family isn't close by!