Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Netflix: 1 Katie: 0

Over two years ago I had a falling out with Netflix (a refresher can be found here) over their sudden price increases. Since I cancelled my account I have been reminded every few weeks via email that they "want me to come back". Typically with a few clicks of the mouse I delete their obnoxious attempts to win me over...but the other day I found myself wavering over the "Trash" option. They want my money so bad that they are willing to woo me for FREE for a month!! So I fell for it. I have re-activated my account, updated my payment information, edited my queue and added tons of shows to stream instantly. I am doing the DVDs as well since the first month for that service is also free, but... shhh... I am going to cancel that part before they charge my card! So far I have viewed multiple episodes of New Girl on my computer and received Varsity Blues in the mail. My main reason for re-joining is to watch a few shows that I have either a) wanted to see but didn't want to start after a few seasons have already aired on TV or b) have been told I "HAVE" to watch by friends. We'll see how this goes, but if I find myself not watching enough to justify the $7.99 monthly bill I suppose I can always put my account on hold again and wait for the badgering emails to begin again...

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