Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bread Class

A few weeks back I signed up for a bread making class at Gracious Bakery that was held today. They are located down the street from work so I often find myself grabbing lunch from there throughout the week. Zack & Andy signed up as well so it was us and a hand full of other folks.
I didn't think to take any pictures at the beginning, but basically their main bread baker had already made the baguette dough and sectioned it off into the sizes we needed, then he taught us how to shape them. While he was showing us how to pat and roll the dough he was explaining the ingredients, the importance of each step, and all of the science behind bread making. It really is complicated stuff that requires patience and skill.
The shaped baguettes before and after baking
While we were listening and learning there was a spread of other breads we could snack on. Gracious makes pretzel loaves, ciabatta, challah, sourdough, and a multitude of other varieties. The tarragon chicken salad I often purchase comes on a green onion loaf. It is so good!
Everyone was able to make two baguettes, so on my way home I stopped by Whole Foods to get the fixings for some herb butter. I haven't made that since I lived in Roanoke and learned of its deliciousness from Roommate Sarah!

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