Sunday, September 15, 2013

AV's 10k Birth Day

Last Monday was AV's 10,000th day on Earth so naturally a healthy dose of celebrating commenced. After work I met up with him at Bacchanal for some drinks and music.
Marigolds in my drink (edible...though I found them bitter) | Helen Gillet: a wonderful cellist
Through his recent travels, AV has made friends from all corners of the world and one such pal happened to be in town on this most special day. Liam hails from Ireland though he lives in Knoxville currently and met AV while exploring Iceland. He was in NOLA with a fellow Irishman and a Scotsman whose accent was very difficult for me to understand! I did a lot of lip reading and relied on context clues to follow along!
After being eaten alive by mosquitos, I mean, listening to the lovely music Helen Gillet was creating we made moves back Uptown to the newly opened Gasa Gasa on Freret Street for more music and spirits before calling it an evening. You only turn 10,000 days old once and I believe AV celebrated the occasion in a perfect, not-too-rowdy, just-right kind of way!

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