Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Toot Toot

I'm going to toot my own horn for a second. I am starting to realize that I tend to over help with situations at work. It isn't in my nature to walk away from things or half-ass tasks and that often leads me into undertaking more than is expected. Examples of going above and beyond include taking on projects that benefit others, helping departments other than my own with assignments, and sacrificing my desires to ensure the job gets completed. Sometimes I wish I could leave well enough alone and literally just go home, but I am a 110%er. It's kind of exhausting caring this much. *Sigh* Damn parents, they must have instilled some sense of responsibility, dedication, and work ethic in me. So yeah, I hope that didn't come off to pompous, I just think that if I were hiring someone I would pick me. LOL!

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