Saturday, December 8, 2012

What's With the Warm Weather??

My internal thermometer is freaking out. December/Christmas time is supposed to be cold weather time. Every day this past week has been at least 70 degrees here. I know that I live in a warmer climate than I grew up in, but the weather in early November felt more like holiday season than it does now. Work has picked up...I am not going in today out of principle, but Sunday will see my putting in extra hours... so I know that technically it is Christmas time, but if I look at my handy Weather Channel app on my phone it says today's high is 75 and tomorrow 78. Thankfully it appears that a cold front will be coming in next week and dropping us into the 60s (woo hoo!). Hard to believe this time in two weeks I will be on a plane flying home: where it will really feel like Christmas!

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