Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pilot Light Conqueror

When my handy dandy clock/calendar/thermometer/moon-phase-guide said that it was 45 degrees outside and 61 degrees in my room I decided that it was time to turn the heat on! So, like most normal people this day and age would, I flicked the thermostat to "HEAT" and waited to hear that magical *poof* sound that means modern technology will prevent me from freezing to death. The *poof* came and I prepared to bundle up in bed and bask in the warmth...but the warmth didn't come. My vent was spitting out chilly air. No bueno.
Hmmm...no one else was home, so it was up to me to figure this out. First step: make sure I tuned the thermostat to "HEAT" and not "AC" (I mean, I consider myself pretty smart, but I could have accidentally done that). Nope, it was indeed on "HEAT". So I started poking around in the laundry room where I know the furnace is located. After struggling to remove the metal panel separating me from the innards and making sure I had read and re-read the instructions at least three times--I don't want to be responsible for blowing our house up!--I found the spot where the pilot light was supposed to be lit.
Again a struggle ensued. Per the instructions I was holding the button down that lets gas flow with one hand and wiggling my lighter towards the pilot with the other but nothing was happening. Sad face. Who can help me figure out what I am doing wrong? At this hour, I guess I'll see if my brother can be of assistance--maybe he is still up. Via a few texts and a picture of a valve it was concluded that there was no gas flowing. A slight flip of a knob and voila: gas! Again with the pushing of the button and the lighter and *poof* the pilot was lit!
Once I was sure the flame was going to keep chugging along I put all of the metal doors back on and turned the power on to everything, re-flicked the thermostat to "HEAT" and BAM!! Warm air was flowing out of the vents! I feel a little badass for being able to get it going sorta on my own--thanks LB for being up and willing to help out.
I'm not going to freeze tonight!!

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