Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Abita Mystery House

I would like to preface this by saying that I had NO IDEA what we were in for when Brie, Cori, and I drove to Abita Springs, Louisiana and stopped at the Abita Mystery House. It was weird and fun and eclectic and creepy and unusual and worth the $3.00 admittance! Brie described it as 5 generations worth of junk nailed to the walls. That is pretty accurate. We all took soooo many pictures because there were soooo many crazy things to see! Enjoy some of my favorites:
The entrance is an old gas station with an upfront sign on the door letting visitors know who is not welcome!
The front door is covered in painted bottle caps. There really isn't much that isn't covered in something (paint, bottle caps, computer parts, signs, pictures, etc.) ~*~ Brie was uninterested in receiving her "free possum poo" when she bought a trinket.
 I was sorta creeped out by the alligator/woman thing in the gift shop area but felt that we needed our picture taken together. ~*~ This sign is 100% truth!
There was an entire wall of random scenes created with junk that had buttons you pressed that made something inside happen (i.e. a light came on, a swing moved, a figurine twirled, etc.). ~*~ I LITERALLY cried from laughing so hard at these glasses! They made each of us look so weird!

 A lovely collection of antique barbed wire. ~*~ There were many signs with bits of wisdom painted on them. This was one of many. I also liked Leroy...
Bufford the Bassigator was HUGE! ~*~ There were many walkways made of shingles. Cori kept saying "oh the water table!"
The House of Shards. It was covered in a cool mosaic of random pottery.

 Near the House of Shards was the Hot Sauce House. It was about the size of a fancy tree house and when you peered inside there were hundreds of different bottles of hot sauce!! They lined every wall, even the ceiling and were on a staircase-like shelf in the center.  
This was clever. A "32 Foot Alligator". Yeah, it had 32 feet attached to it!
Every square inch of this place was covered in SOMETHING. I learned that if you have 3 of something it is a collection and a museum has 3 or more collections. ~*~ There were lots of paint can lids attached to buildings. 
We each received our fortune printed on a little square from a robotic lady in a machine. Mine read as follows:

3  14  22  31  44  59
Sister Claire Veaux says:
Today when you bathe, make sure you wash every thing with soap. A toy robot will give you pleasure but never play with a real robot. Find an interesting rock today and keep it for a few weeks. This rock may save your life. Your lucky color - bruised banana brown!

Needless to say we had an interesting time exploring this place! While wandering through, Brie and I would often mention how it seemed like the perfect set up for the beginning of a horror movie. Luckily everyone made it out alive and well!

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