Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is It Wednesday Yet?

Work has been very overwhelming recently. It is Christmas all over again only this time everybody wants the same product at the same time. King Cakes. I only have to make it to Wednesday then the madness should die down some. This working 70+ hours a week and being stressed to the max continues to reek havoc on my immune system. For someone who does not get sick often I have had sinus/cold junk twice in 2012 already. Not cool.

Below are some random pictures from work recently. Don't be fooled though, they may make things look fun and cheery, but there is a ton of work being done as well!

Malibu Black & Jameson courtesy of the boss man...not sure if we were supposed to open them and indulge while on the clock or not!
Brie & Natalie made me a fun sign to put near my computer. They broke arms off some of the King Cake babies and taped them under the *High Five*!

During a lunch with our new boss lady she brought us (myself, and three other lady manages) each a goody bag with Muses throws as well as a Migon Faget necklace.

Mignon Faget (pronounced men-yon faj-ey) hive necklace.
I can't wait to fly home next weekend! I need to put work out of my mind for a while and relax :)

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