Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another Sunday Funday

This Sunday I am about to leave for work, but I wanted to take a moment to reminisce about my Sunday Funday last week before venturing out into the freezing morning air. This time last week I was getting ready to go eat a wonderful brunch at Katie's in Mid-City with Zach, AV, and Brie. I think it is safe to say that omelets are my favorite breakfast/brunch food! After enjoying our meal we had a little bit of time to kill before our next obligation and therefore went to check out the new Rouse's Supermarket in the CBD. It is a really cool little grocery store! They just opened a few months ago so everything is very modern and nice. It might just be my new food shopping destination. So after admiring the new Rouse's we said adios to Zachariah (nickname) and scurried over to the Mahalia Jackson Theater of the Performing Arts where we had tickets to see The Blue Man Group!! AV treated us ladies to this awesome show described as "theatrical shows and concerts which combine comedy, music, and technology to produce a totally unique form of entertainment." It was a really cool performance that was unlike anything I expected or had scene before! Post Blue Man Group we headed back to Joseph Street so I could get my pot of jambalaya cooking (I used the recipe from my cooking adventure). To conclude our Sunday Funday we hosted a mini-Super Bowl party! Zach, his brother and friend, Billy, Evan and a friend, AV, Brie and myself enjoyed the nail-biting end to the Giants victory over the Patriots while indulging in jambalaya, brisket, and king cake!! All-in-all a great way to wrap up the weekend. Now, as for this weekend...blah...I am off to work! Sad face.

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