Wednesday, February 29, 2012

50 Lashes With a Wet Noodle

I deserve 50 lashes with a wet noodle for my lack of blogging recently! In my defense I have created a list of excuses:

1) Mardi Gras/King Cakes sucked every last ounce of energy out of me for about 2 weeks solid
2) Post Carnival Season I jetted off to Virginia and have been busy seeing all of the family and friends that I can
3) I have been selfishly opting to watch Dexter when I have a free moment instead of updating this


1) Mardi Gras/King Cakes are O-V-E-R!!!! Que the angels singing Hallelujah!
2) I will be migrating back down south later this evening
3) I am about half way through the 5th season, which is the last one that is currently available on DVD, so I will be Dexter-less soon enough

Oh...Happy Leap Year too!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Love Sleeping

I LOVE sleeping. It is a favorite pass time of mine that I have recently not been able to indulge in nearly as often as I would like. Saturday I caught up big time on some missed zzzzs. I did not wake up until 2:00pm, lounged around, caught up on some shows, then went back to sleep for about 3 hours. Rainy days are great for napping! I am hoping that this extreme catch up on slumber will do to get me through the rest of Mardi Gras!

Is It Wednesday Yet?

Work has been very overwhelming recently. It is Christmas all over again only this time everybody wants the same product at the same time. King Cakes. I only have to make it to Wednesday then the madness should die down some. This working 70+ hours a week and being stressed to the max continues to reek havoc on my immune system. For someone who does not get sick often I have had sinus/cold junk twice in 2012 already. Not cool.

Below are some random pictures from work recently. Don't be fooled though, they may make things look fun and cheery, but there is a ton of work being done as well!

Malibu Black & Jameson courtesy of the boss man...not sure if we were supposed to open them and indulge while on the clock or not!
Brie & Natalie made me a fun sign to put near my computer. They broke arms off some of the King Cake babies and taped them under the *High Five*!

During a lunch with our new boss lady she brought us (myself, and three other lady manages) each a goody bag with Muses throws as well as a Migon Faget necklace.

Mignon Faget (pronounced men-yon faj-ey) hive necklace.
I can't wait to fly home next weekend! I need to put work out of my mind for a while and relax :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another Sunday Funday

This Sunday I am about to leave for work, but I wanted to take a moment to reminisce about my Sunday Funday last week before venturing out into the freezing morning air. This time last week I was getting ready to go eat a wonderful brunch at Katie's in Mid-City with Zach, AV, and Brie. I think it is safe to say that omelets are my favorite breakfast/brunch food! After enjoying our meal we had a little bit of time to kill before our next obligation and therefore went to check out the new Rouse's Supermarket in the CBD. It is a really cool little grocery store! They just opened a few months ago so everything is very modern and nice. It might just be my new food shopping destination. So after admiring the new Rouse's we said adios to Zachariah (nickname) and scurried over to the Mahalia Jackson Theater of the Performing Arts where we had tickets to see The Blue Man Group!! AV treated us ladies to this awesome show described as "theatrical shows and concerts which combine comedy, music, and technology to produce a totally unique form of entertainment." It was a really cool performance that was unlike anything I expected or had scene before! Post Blue Man Group we headed back to Joseph Street so I could get my pot of jambalaya cooking (I used the recipe from my cooking adventure). To conclude our Sunday Funday we hosted a mini-Super Bowl party! Zach, his brother and friend, Billy, Evan and a friend, AV, Brie and myself enjoyed the nail-biting end to the Giants victory over the Patriots while indulging in jambalaya, brisket, and king cake!! All-in-all a great way to wrap up the weekend. Now, as for this weekend...blah...I am off to work! Sad face.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cajun Cooking Class

Before this past week when I became swamped at work I was able to enjoy a Groupon-funded cooking demonstration at the Crescent City Cooks shop at the Riverwalk. They had a cute little kitchen set-up where the guy cooked gumbo, jambalaya, and bread pudding for us while chatting about Creole and Cajun food culture.

The gumbo was alright, but Brie's mom's is MUCH better!

The jambalaya, however, was awesome! I actually ended up making a big batch following their recipe for the Super Bowl

Our meal concluded with a bowl of Rum Bread Pudding. It was yummy!

Twas a Groupon and Saturday morning well spent: a few hours of entertainment, a lovely meal and recipes to take away!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

Celebrating another year older isn't so bad when you feel the love from the people around you!

My surprise cake at work!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Roommate Movie Night

Brie, Evan, AV and I watched Drive this evening. It was a movie that was on my "to see" list I just never made it to the theater. Ryan Gosling is reason enough to see this rather gory film, but if you need more reasons: the violence was unique, the score was great, and the lack of a wordy-script worked. AV hated it. Evan, Brie and I appreciated it. Check on the trailer and see for yourself :)