Sunday, October 2, 2011


Work has taken over my life recently. I always put in a lot of time, but this 60 hour week wore me out. The extra hours were the result of a combination of end-of-the-month inventory, meetings/trainings with FedEx (we are in the process of switching to their services), filling in for one of the girls in the office who is out of town, and helping deliver wedding cakes. Instead of boring you with inventory information here are pictures of the cakes:

Mardi Gras themed "topsy turvy" cake (the layers are crooked intentionally)

Simple wave cake with green ribbon and hand piping went to a hotel in the Quarter.

This cake went onto the Natchez. There were 3 old-timey maps painted on the middle layer and parts of a compass painted on the top and bottom layer (you can't see the part of the top layer in this photo) One map was where the groom is from, one was where the bride was from, then one was of Lake Pontchartrain where they are together now. Awwww.

Another Mardi Gras themed cake. This one was delivered to Mardi Gras World! I need to check that place out sometime!

When we were leaving Mardi Gras World I snapped this picture of the Mississippi. Yesterday was gorgeous!

Today I am relaxing, watching the Saints play, doing a few things around the house, then watching the premier of Dexter!! Tomorrow will start another crazy week!!

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