Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Great Procrastinator Extraordinaire

I am procrastinating. My bedroom looks like a bomb went off in it (as it often does). I know I need to clean/organize it. I have plans to do so. But right now I am feeling lazy. I have hung a few shirts up in my closet. I put my latest Netflix DVD out for the mailman to retrieve. Yeah, that's about it, I have a lot more to do!

But before I get down to business: I want to ramble for a moment.

My decrease in blogging is directly correlated with my increase in working. I swear, I am going to be so sick of the word "holidays" by the time the holidays actually get here! All of this planning and figuring and scheduling is extremely stressful. My gray hairs are multiplying every day.

October might just be one of my favorite months for the fact that sooo many horror/scary movies are on TV!! (The Hitcher is on as I type this!) I do love a good scare.

The Saints are doing well. They are 4-1! Woo hoo! Tomorrow they play Tampa Bay.

My allergies have been acting up recently. Fair amount of sneezing happening. I think it has to do with the weather changing.

Well, I think I have wasted enough time. Now to tackle my to-do list!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

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