Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday Adventure

Sunday afternoon I was sitting in the living room watching the Packers play the Bears when I received a text from my buddy Eddie. He asked if I wanted to come shooting, and while I do like my football, I felt no close connection to the game, so I said what the heck! He gave me some vague directions which I half followed but also used Samantha which inevitably led me to driving WAY out of the way around the boonies. Any way, I finally made it to the Southern Louisiana Gun Club where I partook in a round of skeet shooting for the first time! Eddie hooked me up with some rose tinted safety goggles (the pink color was to help make the orange of the targets appear brighter), ear plugs, and a 20-gauge shotgun.

EDDIE: When it isn't your turn, point the gun downward. I will give you your shells. Say "pull" when you are ready. Got it?
ME: Umm, ok. Pull?

To sum it up, I hit the very first "bird" as they called it, missed the next 23 then hit the very last one! My right shoulder is sore and bruised but it was fun. I think I prefer the larger, non-moving target and the smaller, less-painful handguns we used at the shooting range back in the fall!!

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