Monday, January 17, 2011

King Cakes

Have you ever blown your nose into a tissue and the outcome is a blob of glitter? I have. That must mean it is King Cake season! Sucre started cranking out their version of the King Cake a little over a week ago and therefore I have been knee deep in cinnamon-sugar cakes with icing covered in edible glitter.

They have actually hired a gentleman who comes in around 4:00 each evening to make a batch of 160 cakes. He works later hours so that he can have uninterrupted access to the ovens. I am not 100% clear on the process, but I believe he has to make the dough, let it sit for a day, shape the cakes into their traditional braided circular shape, let that sit for a day, bake the cakes, let them cool, cover them in icing, let that sit for the rest of the night, then one of the ladies sprays and glitters them during the day. The cakes then have to dry from their recent coloring and THEN they are finally ready for the shipping department to add a plastic baby, wrap them in plastic wrap, and place them in a box!

Moving the cakes from the cookie sheet to the cardboard disc stirs up the loose glitter and therefore at the end of the day everything is covered in a fine coating; including my lungs.

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