Monday, November 2, 2015

Rainy Halloween

Due to the impending rain, Halloween, well, trick-or-treating, was moved to Friday for all of the local kiddies. This made getting home after a run to Old Navy and Michaels after work very interesting! Lottttts of people out on St. Charles. Any who... I am not one to dress up. I just don't care about it. Some co-workers went for a group theme though, Beanie Babies. They even had Joel participating.

You've got: a teal owl, a zebra, a pink unicorn, a tiger and a flying squirrel!

On real Halloween I avoided the madness of downtown and hung out with Sara as she house and dog sat in Lakeview. She made us some delicious chili and cornbread with a lovely fall beverage made of whiskey, soda, apples, and an apple, ginger simple syrup. Everything was so tasty! That girl can cook! I contributed the makings for s'mores which proved to be yummy but incredible messy!

We watched a few Halloween episodes of Roseanne before switching to The Addams Family which I had never seen. Spooktacular!!
It was a very rainy weekend all around but relaxing!

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