Sunday, November 15, 2015

Girl's Weekend 2015

Girl's Weekend 2015 was another successful shopping filled girl fest! 

We hit up nearly every Goodwill we passed from Charlottesville to Williamsburg. We consumed quite a bit of sweets. We saw a lady nearly choke on her breakfast before a stranger helped her clear her throat. We discussed jeggings a lot. We were flabbergasted by a girl who walked into a interstate rest stop bathroom bare footed. We tried on a lot of ponchos and bought a few. We planned the Thanksgiving menu. And most importantly, we laughed a lot.

I brought some Kate Weiser chocolate bars that I purchased with my November Chocolate Club. Mom, Judy and Nita poked fun at me the whole time I was taking pictures. They were not appreciating the importance of lighting and placement! 

We stopped in a cute little cupcake shop in Richmond. Lots of lemon and peanut butter happening here. Not pictured are the dog treats we bought there as well. Lacie and Lucky are loved :)

Saturday was an unseasonably warm and rainy day but it did not keep us, or anyone else, away from the outlet mall. Umbrellas in hand, we systematically made our way around the stores. There was excellent people watching to be had!

The traditional photo taken by Uncle Dale of the woman with their loot!! 

Until next year...

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