Sunday, October 25, 2015


Almost as a joke I bought tickets earlier this summer to see Hanson at the House of Blues. Sara and her friend Jon had gotten tickets so I thought why not? Little did I know that I would fall in love with them all over again 18 years after I first heard their big hit, "MMMBop"! Their Roots & Rock 'n' Roll tour is a series of two night events playing in ten different cities throughout October. 

Outside the House of Blues in the French Quarter | Promotional window | Hanson opening their first night
Me, Jon & Sara!!
The first night Paul McDonald opened for the guys. He was on American Idol a few years back. I don't know any of his songs, but I liked this one that Hanson came out and sang with him and his band. When I looked it up on iTunes (the song is called "Renegades") there was only an acoustic version, but I prefer this more up beat style. 
Paul McDonald & the crowd

 The first evening Hanson did a bunch of covers of classics such as Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, and Simon & Garfunkel. They threw in a few of their own songs too, "Man from Milwaukee" any Middle of Nowhere fans??

 It happened to be Zac's 30th birthday. That is right, the youngest Hanson is 30 years old. Geez! I mean, I knew that they were all older than me, but the last I recall they were all teens/tweens, not married dads! Isaac and Zac have three kids each, while Taylor has procreated the most, with five children, one being 13. I cannot get over that. Taylor Hanson has a teenager. Let that sink in. I guess that's what happens when you get married at 19 and start spitting youngsters out right away!

Zac jumping around on stage | Isaac rocking on his guitar

Taylor at his piano
Zac's cover of The Darkness's "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" 
I honestly cannot get over how pretty they are all, particularly Taylor. He was always my favorite, and in the years since I paid attention to them, he has turned into one hell of a gorgeous man. They were always known for their long blond hair as kids, but with age they've darkened into brown haired men. Zac has brought the longer look back (he was rocking a man bun at one point on the stage!), while Isaac has the most mainstream short cut. Taylor's hair, what can I say, it is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. I'm ridiculous, I know.

The second night a group called Carrick opened for them before they jumped into playing a bunch of their own songs. Hanson have released six albums over the years along with a Christmas album (Snowed is my favorite holiday album ever!). The Tulsa, Oklahoma men run their own label, 3CG (3 Car Garage), and have self-produced their last four albums. They have been together for over 20 years and toured pretty regularly nearly that entire time.

"MMMBop"...of course!! God, I wonder how many times they have sang this song in the last two decades?!
The brothers saying goodnight
And now for some professional videos instead of crappy iPhone ones...

"This Time Around" off of their Underneath album that was released in 2000.

And another off Underneath, "Penny & Me" performed in 2003.

This is a fun one called "Give A Little" from their 2010 album, Shout It Out. Zac was sporting a short do here. Taylor and that tambourine...

And another diddy, "Thinking 'Bout Somethin'", off the same album that channels The Blues Brothers.

As you can see, most of their stuff is very poppy and up beat. It is safe to say that I have rejoined the Fansons (fans of Hanson), and I don't care who knows it! They make good music and they are pretty to look at!

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