Sunday, October 11, 2015

Art for Art's Sake

I received an e-vite a few weeks back to a friend's gallery opening during Art for Art's Sake on Magazine Street. Exciting stuff! Sara and I both worked with Laura at Sucre and I follow her Instagram account that features her art. She and two other ladies share a space near La Boulangerie. I have always loved Laura's watercolors so it was cool to see similar themes re-imagined as oil on canvas. I am particularly fond of her oyster pieces. Of course I was so caught up in talking to Laura and moving out of the way for other viewers that I didn't manage to snap any photos. Check out her website to see her gorgeous work! Here was the invitation:

Across the street from The Studio was another installation at Ashley Longshore's space. A co-worker mentioned that she was going to be dancing at someone's event but I didn't catch any of the details. As soon as I saw about a dozen of so women all sporting black wigs and wearing designer purse costumes I knew she had to be one of them! Sure enough, as Sara and I peered through the window at the rhythmic flailings of the dancers, one came up to the window and waved frantically!

You couldn't go in the gallery, so a crowd formed outside on the sidewalk. There was a jazz band playing on the opposite corner street that drowned out the music that was playing inside the gallery which was a bummer. It was definitely a site to be seen!

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