Friday, April 3, 2015


General update time. 

I have been making progress on my 1000 piece pencil puzzle. It is calming to sit down and focus on slowly putting the picture together. I usually listen to a podcast or have a show on that I have already seen while I work. As I get closer to completing the challenge I have been thinking about what one does with a puzzle once it is assembled? Do people re-work them later on? Or is the fun gone? Are puzzles a one-time-only form of entertainment? 

While surfing Pinterest I found a recipe for "Key Lime Pie Muddy Buddies" (some people call it "puppy chow"). It consisted of Chex, Golden Grahams, white chocolate, powdered sugar and lime jell-o. I made a big ol' batch and took it to work. I thought it was so-so…nothing that I need to make again.

"Clean inside of car" has been on my To Do list for MONTHS! I finally got around to making a valiant effort last weekend. Armed with spray cleaner, q-tips, paper towels and Windex, I attacked every nook and cranny I could get to! It feels good to have a decently clean vehicle finally! In my auto-improvement mode I also purchased windshield wiper blades (just need to install them) and ordered new floor mats. Now to drop off the boxes and bags of Goodwill donations that are taking up the back trunk space.  

Freshly painted toe nails that desperately needed some TLC since flip flop weather is here!

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