Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dinner Lab: Nate Kruse

"The Mighty Mississippi" dinner presented by Chef Nate Kruse of Gautreau's was relatively simple in concept and yet very comforting in taste. The continual use of apples in both beverages and dishes helped tie everything together, but it also lent a warmth I would expect in cooler/fall months.

Toasted Ravioli: Italian sausage | marinara | parmesan 
A quite elementary dish, though perfectly tasty. The ravioli may have been fried a touch too long.

Shaved Brussel Sprouts: pickled cherry | poppyseed vinaigrette | pistachio
Paired with: Cherry Bomb: rye whiskey | Herbsainte | Peychaud's bitters | cherry simple | lemon
Loved! Brussel sprouts are great. There were dried cherries and toasted nuts tossed in for good measure. The drink pairing was strong but assisted with the cherry sweetness.

Shrimp Cardinale Risotto: tomato confit | blonde roux | fried shiitake
I could have stopped right here with the meal and been extremely satisfied. The risotto was super creamy and the shiitakes added a lovely crunchy aspect. Give me another round of this please!

Crispy Ribs: smoked apple & pepper coulis | grilled asparagus
Paired with: Apple Tree: spiced rum | apple cider | allspice syrup | lemon | apple bitters
This was okay. The potatoes were yummy: the asparagus a bit overdone: the rib was nice. The real winner was the drink though. It was so warm--like what an October day in New England would taste like I imagine.

Apple & Pear Tart: streusel | cheesecake ice cream
Nothing new here. The caramel was burnt, but that is easy to do, so all can be forgiven. The streusel was nice but could have used a pinch of salt to really amp it up. The beverage from the fourth course went well with this dessert too!

While Sara was working on her best angles I went rogue and cheesed it up :)
Amy & Emily were able to join us for this dinner hosted in a Bywater warehouse. The company may very well have been the best part of the evening!

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