Sunday, October 12, 2014

I'm Still Here

Hi! Yes, I am here. October is slipping away from me rather rapidly. There was a tease of fall weather the other week that I reveled in until it quickly turned back into summer-like heat. I am telling you, it does not feel natural to watch scary movies when it is 80+ outside but I am doing it anyway! It is the Saints bye week, so no football this weekend. Luckily though The Walking Dead returns tonight!!! I am so excited!!! I have re-watched a lot of the previous seasons, and specifically the end of the last season so I am in the right mind set. 

So on one hand there is no football that requires watching this week (of course tons of other teams are playing, but I don't really care about them) coupled with warm weather = not fall... but then on the other hand TWD returning and seeing lots of houses decorated for Halloween = fall. According to my Weather Channel app I will get some upper 50 degree evenings early this week, so that should help my horror movie marathon feel more right.

I suppose if the weather isn't going to cooperate I must take things into my own hands: I changed my background pictures on my phone to fall scenes from Virginia and plan on going with black finger nails shortly. My Pinterest boards have seen a lot more pumpkin related pins as of late and I hope to turn those pins into tangible treats real soon! Oh fall, I do miss you!

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