Monday, August 18, 2014

Zucchini Bread for Days

AV brought the biggest zucchini I have ever seen back with him from Kentucky the other week. T'was a monster really. I had agreed to make zucchini bread with whatever he brought back so I am glad that I thought to re-stock the basics. I ended up multiplying my recipe by five to accommodate the 10 cups of grated zucchini this baby provided!!

For size reference I propped him up by a roll of paper towels.

 When it came time to mix the wet ingredients with the dry I ran into the dilemma of not having a large enough bowl. Luckily AV is an outside-of-the-box kind of thinker so he grabbed the smaller crawfish boil pot, sat it on a chair and we transferred everything into that! 

In the end we baked off eight loaves, a 9x13 pan and 8x8 pan. I took four loaves to work, put the other four in the freezer and we have been eating off of the other odd sizes. Yum!

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