Sunday, August 31, 2014

Draft Day

So I joined a Fantasy Football league the other week. Yeah, I have no clue what I am doing, but I am rolling with it. Some current and previous co-workers along with a few others make up Prince Pacey's Grand Prix 12 team league. My team is named "Heisenberg's Heroes" in reference to Breaking Bad (which I am almost done re-watching the entire series and am pretending to contemplate moving to New Mexico based solely on the gorgeous scenery shots from the show...but any way...). Another BB themed team name is "Los Pollos Hermanos". I think half the fun of this whole thing is coming up with your name! I stressed for a bit before deciding on mine and I know that not everyone will get it, but hey, watch Breaking Bad and you will :) Did you see how many Emmy's they just won??

Prior to the draft day I attempted to do some research to educate myself on how this whole thing works. Nearly everything I read or watched instructed you to pay attention to the bye weeks when drafting players. If half of your team has the same bye week you will in essence be screwed that week (no one to play = no way to earn points) and therefore fall in rankings. It was also stressed that selecting your kicker last was the way to go--I deduce that they are not major point makers and thus do not deserve much thought in selecting. Otherwise I was at the mercy of the information that Yahoo provided regarding potential points and rankings (this league is set up through Yahoo). I ended up with Drew Brees as my quarterback so I am pretty pleased with that. I got another Saints player, Pierre Thomas, and a former Saint, Darren Sproles as well. Other than that I really don't have a clue who the players are on my team. My hope that this is a) fun and b) helps me understand the game better because I will be forced to pay more attention to how points are acquired and make decisions about my players each week. 

I have downloaded the app on my phone and now have a little less than a week to figure out how to adjust my roster before the first game of the season! Woo hoo for American football!!

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