Sunday, March 23, 2014

St. Baldrick's Shave Day

Zack's roommate, Andy, has been raising money the past few weeks for St. Baldrick's Foundation, a charity that funds research to help find a cure for childhood cancer. The organization's main fundraiser is head shaving events where volunteers raise money then symbolically have all of their hair shaved off.

Andy's hair was already lengthy when he decided to become a shavee, so he continued to let his locks grow for impact. Look at those flowing brown strands! He said he was more than ready to get rid of all of that hair!

A group of men being shaved. We saw hair, beards, and even eyebrows go!

Andy's time in the chair. He made some great facial expressions throughout his trimming. 

He is going to save so much money on shampoo now! The shaved look works for him..he just needs to be careful to not get sun burnt!

 Behind the stage there were clumps of hair mixed with yards of electrical cords. Funny how hair on a head can be beautiful and admired, but in piles on the floor it just seems gross!

With the help of many friends and family members, as well as a matching agreement with his parent's business and his employer, Andy raised $8,400, making him the highest single-person donor! He out raised all but one team!!

In total the Finn McCool's Irish Pub St. Baldrick's Fundraiser raised over $90,000 and dozens of men and women left with much less hair than when they arrived! It was a nice day to be out and support such an important and humbling cause :)

A picture I stole from Zack's shots: Me, Sara, Melissa, Andy, Parissa and Keith

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