Friday, March 7, 2014


With work being, well, work, I had to balance fun and sleep this Mardi Gras season. I didn't push myself to go to every parade, but saved up my energy for the ones I enjoy the most!

No parading on Wednesday, Muses on Thursday, sat out Friday, Endymion on Saturday, rested on Sunday, Orpheus on Monday. It worked out nicely.

From top left down: 
Flambeaux women (typically men carry these propane fueled metal torches), 610 Stompers busting a move (they had to be freezing, it was in the low 40s that night!), two Orpheus floats, and the St. Augustine marching band (definitely a crowd favorite).

Don't pay attention to what you see in the video, just listen to the marching band!

Orpheus was a chilly night! 
Zack, Andy, Sara and Me parading despite the frigid temperatures!

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