Saturday, March 8, 2014


Super Krewe Endymion rolled through Mid-City on Saturday afternoon. I was particularly excited to see this parade because my main man Norman was a co-marshal! He looked like a sweaty mess, but he was smiling a ton (which is rare--he has perfected the bad-boy-scowl) and tossing beads and cups to the thousands of people screaming and waving their arms at him! I was happy to get a good picture of him...oh that black shirt!

Endymion, the largest krewe, has over 2,500 masked members that ride.

Norman on his float :)

 Ed, Me, Zack, and Sara | Me and Sara

Pretend you're standing on the parade route via these videos!

A glimpse of the crowd when the last float had passed by | Ground aftermath 

This was my favorite parade of 2014 for sure--not just because of Reedus--the weather was great, the crowd wasn't too rowdy where we stood, the floats were gorgeous, and the vibe was fun!

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